Best Dental Clinics in Kumbakonam-Banu Dental
Best Dental Clinics in Kumbakonam-Banu Dental At Banu Dental, we understand that dental x-rays are an important part of maintaining good oral health. While traditional dental x-rays have been in use for many years, some patients may worry that they are not as safe as the newer digital x-rays. It is important to note that traditional dental x-rays are safe when done properly. All x-rays use radiation, but the amount used is very small and the dose of radiation is similar to that of a single day of exposure to natural sunlight. In addition, when a dental x-ray is administered, we make sure to use various safety measures to limit the patient's exposure to radiation. Best Dental Doctors in Kumbakonam That said, there are some advantages to the newer digital dental x-rays. Digital x-rays produce a better image than traditional x-rays, and they are a safer option because the radiation dose is much lower. Digital x-rays also take a fraction of the time of a traditional x-ray, which means...